Church of the Foothills is proud to support the following organizations and agencies, through grants or volunteerism, that provide services to our community and also around the world:
CASA of Ventura
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Ventura County believes that every court-dependent abused or neglected child should be safe, have permanence and the opportunity to thrive, and have a strong, compassionate volunteer Advocate. CASA recruits, screens, trains, and supports citizen-volunteers to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected foster children in courtrooms and communities. Several COTF members have been or are currently volunteer CASA advocates.
Dining for Women
Dining for Women is a powerful community of women and allies engaged in education, advocacy, and grant making to build the movement for global gender equality. We have hundreds of chapters across the U.S., where members come together to learn about issues impacting women and girls globally, give charitably to support organizations working to empower and create opportunities for women and girls globally, and advocate for international development aid that supports women’s interests.
If you would like to know more, or join this fantastic group, contact Linda Marsi or Candace Reynolds.
Family to Family
Family to Family of Ventura County has been serving meals to the homeless and poverty-stricken for over three decades. Support is profided to help with monetary expense which include insurance, security, rent, utilities, janitorial service, paper goods, and repairs. COTF members serve regularly on the first Monday of each month.
Friends of Chimps
Collaborate with Schools, Corporations and other Non-Profits to:
Increase education, awareness about chimpanzee behavior, environment and conservation status
Nurture young people’s interest and commitment to philanthropic work
Build social networks across organizations to increase the sustainability of organizations providing for the care and conservation of chimpanzees
Raise funds for projects supporting the:
Long-term health and welfare of captive chimps
Emergency situations of chimpanzees and the people caring for them
Conservation of chimpanzees in the wild and their natural habitat
Community development projects that increase food and income security for people living near populations of wild chimps and/or areas where known human-wildlife conflict has occurred in the past.
COTF has helped to fund several community development projects to improve the health and well-being of poor Africans, and to provide educational scholarships.
Homeboy Industries
What began in 1988 as a way of improving the lives of former gang members in East Los Angeles has today become a blueprint for over 250 organizations and social enterprises around the world, from Alabama and Idaho to Guatemala and Scotland.
The Global homeboy Network is a group of like-minded organizations committed to impacting the lives of those in their communities.
Interface Children and Family Services
Established in 1973, Interface Children & Family Services is the region’s most comprehensive nonprofit social services agency providing direct, responsive, wrap-around services to address the complex needs of client and community.
As a critical safety net for children and families, Interface provides 30 distinct programs across seven core program areas including mental health and trauma treatment, domestic violence and child abuse prevention, youth crisis intervention, human trafficking, reentry services, early child and family development, and 2-1-1 information and referral in 21 counties.
Project Understanding
A faith-based nonprofit organization, Project Understanding transforms lives by providing love, support and assistance to the homeless and poverty-stricken of Ventura – loving our neighbors as ourselves.
Project alleviates and seeks to prevent homelessness through pathways to housing (Homeless 2 Home), tutoring our children and feeding the hungry through one of our Countys’ largest food pantries.
Volunteer opportunities are available at the Pantry, administrative offices and in our First Step program.
Rain Communities, Inc.
RAIN Communities, Inc. (RCI) and the Human Service Agency of the County of Ventura have enjoyed a strong partnership since 2002. RAIN Transitional Living Center is a transformative, nurturing environment for individuals and families that are homeless and struggling with barriers that interfere with daily living. Residents at RAIN are provided with intensive case management services and resources to increase self-sufficiency and independence. RAIN staff and counselors address the complex needs of the adult residents while simultaneously focusing on programs that will address the educational and emotional needs of the children. This multi-prong approach strengthens the bond between parents and their children and helps break the generational cycle of homelessness.
To meet these goals, the County of Ventura provides the physical shelter, case management, intensive program oversight and staff to manage a 24/7 facility. RAIN Communities provides programs that enrich and assist in family bonding, healing and child development. This partnership has resulted in measurable, long-term success stories.
Step Up Ventura
STEP UP VENTURA provides therapeutic services and access to childcare and preschool for children ages zero to five who are affected by homelessness or are at risk of homelessness. We help infants, toddlers, and young children develop secure attachments and overcome the traumas they have faced.
Our program offers nurturing, calming, and appropriately stimulating activities throughout the day with specially trained early childhood educators, caregivers, and mental health workers.
Step Up Ventura requires parent involvement. Parents learn to understand and care for their children with interventions specifically targeted to early childhood brain development and healthy parent-child attachments.
Turning Point Foundation
Turning Point Foundation is a local non-profit deeply committed to building a healthier community by offering compassionate and proactive treatment for adults struggling with mental illness, many of them homeless and/or veterans.
We have grown to 14 programs across 11 locations throughout Ventura County. We serve more than 1000 clients each year through its shelter, supported housing and rehabilitation programs.
Ventura Homeless Prevention Fund
The Ventura Homeless Prevention Fund (VHPF) is a project of the Ventura Social Services Task Force Homeless Prevention Sub-Committee. The fund's purpose is to assist families and individuals on the verge of becoming homeless due to the impact of a one-time but consequential event such as an accident or illness. Ventura residents are eligible for VHPF assistance.